If you’ve played Crescent Oaks lately you know what great shape it’s in. Our course Superintendent Bob Makres has turned around a course, that just a few short years ago was in pretty tough shape, into one of the nicest conditioned golf courses in Tampa Bay.
The word is getting out. Golf Advisor has just announced that Crescent Oaks has received a Top 5 In The Country ranking on there website for the month of July. See their announcement here.
But actually the ranking is only partly due to the course conditions. As you can see by looking at the Golf Advisor Reviews it’s not just about the conditions. It’s also about the great staff and friendly atmosphere around the club. Like we say… “It’s a fun and friendly place for golf.”
And Green’s Fees will not be going up. In fact, for the month of August they are going down. Read all about the August Tee Time Rates here.
But really we need to thank all our patrons for this honor. Without your help and patronage we wouldn’t have reached this milestone. It means a lot to our dedicated staff. Brandon Cuddy, general manager, and all his staff would like to thank you all for making this possible. Please be sure to introduce yourself and say hello so we can thank you personally the next time you visit Crescent Oaks.